An Italian newspaper reveals the confiscation of a second shipment of Chinese weapons destined for American Khalifa Haftar

The Italian newspaper “Corriere della Sera” revealed that the Italian authorities confiscated a second shipment of Chinese weapons destined for the American Khalifa Haftar in eastern Libya.
The Italian newspaper explained that the authorities in the port of Gioia Tauro in the province of Calabria were able to confiscate a new shipment of Chinese weapons destined for the port of Benghazi, which is the second time that the Italian authorities have confiscated a similar shipment within days.
The newspaper indicated that the new shipment, which was confiscated on June 28, was hidden in a container ship called “MSC Apollin.” It departed from the Chinese port of Shenzhen and sailed through Africa, avoiding passage through the Red Sea so as not to be exposed to any attacks by the Houthis in Yemen.
It is noteworthy that the first shipment was confiscated by the Italian authorities on June 18, and it carried components of parts to assemble the drone, although the commercial document indicated that the containers contained transported wind turbines, while they were parts of military drones.
The newspaper reported that in both cases of weapons confiscation, the Italian authorities acted based on intelligence information provided by the United States.