Al-Tekbali: What is happening at the Ras Jedir crossing is evidence of the state of chaos that Libya is experiencing

Ali Al-Tekbali, a member of the Tobruk Parliament, said that Libya is far from stability and needs a strong hand and a real government, adding that the international community must bear its responsibility in this matter.
Al-Tekbali confirmed, in statements to the Russian “Sputnik” agency, today, Thursday, that what is happening at the Ras Jedir border crossing with Tunisia indicates that Libya is still living in a state of chaos.
Al-Tekbali explained that every tribe, group, or gang can do whatever it wants, and not listen to any opinion that comes from the local or regional government in the country.
He concluded by saying that those who brought Libya to this situation are the ones who bear moral and moral responsibility for what is happening.