Animal Health Office: Death of more than 200 cows and 170 calves due to the spread of foot fever in Misrata

Director of the Animal Health Office, Salem Al-Badri, revealed the reasons for the death of a number of cows and the spread of foot-and-mouth disease in Misurata, saying that the death of more than 200 dairy cows and 170 infant calves in the Dafniya area was caused by the outbreak of the epidemic.
Al-Badri indicated, in statements to the Zero Platform, that the farm has more than 500 heads of cattle, all of which are infected with the disease, and infection with this disease means the end of the animal because there is no cure for this virus.
He explained that the only solution to prevent infection with this disease is to vaccinate cows against it, which the responsible authorities were unable to do for reasons we do not know, adding, “Despite the provision of vaccinations to us by the FAO, we were unable to inject the cows with it due to the lack of capabilities in the office.”
He continued that Misrata’s milk production declined from 70,000 liters per day to 20,000 liters, and the quantity is likely to decline further.