Military expert: Haftar is suffering from some crises, the most serious of which is the existence of disputes between his sons and Al “Zadma” family

Military Expert Suleiman bin Saleh said that it is clear that the American Khalifa Haftar is suffering from some crises at the present time, the most serious of which is the existence of disagreements between his sons and others who are in his orbit, especially the family of Hassan Al-Zadma, the commander of the 128-reinforced militia.
Ben Saleh confirmed, in statements to the “Safar” platform, that if Haftar had been able to launch further attacks on Tripoli, he would not have delayed a single day, explaining that perhaps the latest maneuver was a test for the countries intervening in the Libyan affairs, nothing more, to see the extent of their adherence to their position on the war, especially Turkey.
He pointed out that the purpose of the “antagonist” speeches delivered by the American Haftar is to strengthen the internal front to send a message that he is still strong and capable of saying what no one else can say.