Nasiya: Lowering the exchange rate will lead to the crushing of the lower classes and the rise in commodity prices

A member of the Tobruk Parliament, Abdel Salam Nasya, affirmed his rejection of politicizing economic decisions and involving them in the conflict, because the economic file concerns all Libyans, noting that adjusting the exchange rate is a monetary tool within the tasks of the Central Bank of Libya and its Board of Directors.
Nasiya explained, in statements to the Lebanese newspaper An-Nahar Al-Arabi, that Al-Kabir’s address to the Tobruk Parliament to impose a tax on the exchange rate at this stage is due to the exacerbation of the crisis and his inability to deal with it, is an attempt to shift responsibility onto another party.
He explained that lowering the exchange rate would lead to the crushing of the lower classes, a decline in the purchasing power of Libyans and an increase in the prices of goods and services, explaining that the Libyan dinar was now being used in political disputes.
He continued that the country is suffering from a severe economic crisis, which was complicated by the Governor of the Central Bank and his decisions, concluding, “Sessions should have been held to listen to the proposals of experts from outside the circle of authority to get out of that crisis, and not remain subject to the ideas of specific people.”