Lebanese media presnter: Hannibal was tortured upon his arrest and is experiencing health setbacks

Youssef Diab, a Lebanese media presnter specializing in judicial affairs, said that Captain Hannibal Gaddafi was arrested illegally by a gang that transported him from Syria to Lebanon via hired people.
Diab indicated, in statements to France 24, that Captain Hannibal was tortured upon his arrest and his nose was broken, and when the Lebanese authorities learned, Hannibal was freed and transferred to the Information Division under the supervision of the Lebanese judiciary, pointing out that Hassan Yaqoub was arrested for this act and is being punished for the felony of kidnapping.
He explained that Captain Hannibal had suffered health setbacks more than once, adding that his detention for eight years was incorrect, even if he was convicted of concealing information about the disappearance of Musa al-Sadr.
He added that Hannibal was two years old at the time of Musa al-Sadr’s disappearance, but the Lebanese judiciary uses the excuse that Hannibal said more than once in investigations that al-Sadr and his two companions were detained in a prison in Janzour, although these are allegations that I do not embrace.
He continued by saying that the other crisis lies in the fact that the Lebanese judiciary asked the Libyan judiciary for a set of information, which it has not yet provided