غير مصنف

“Al-Araby Al-Jadeed”: Al-Dabaiba didn’t express his satisfaction with the outcomes of the tripartite Cairo meeting

The Qatari Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed website confirmed that the Prime Minister of Western Libya, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba, didn’t express complete satisfaction with the outcomes of the tripartite meeting, especially the agreement to form a unified government without agreeing on the mechanism for its formation.

The website indicated, in a report, that the tripartite meeting came under the auspices of the Arab League and on its initiative, because Egypt is converging on its own vision regarding merging the country’s two governments, which Cairo had previously discussed with Mohamed Al-Manfi.

The report pointed out that the meeting discussed a proposal to bridge the distance between Aguila Saleh and Takala regarding the controversial points, while Al-Manfi has the role of supervising the implementation of what is agreed upon.

It explained that Aguila agreed to Takala’s demands regarding the necessity of reviewing the laws of the “6+6” electoral committee, and added another demand related to the unification of sovereign positions, the designation of the positions of governor of the Central Bank and the Audit Bureau, and that the selection of their occupants be nominated by the Tobruk Parliament and with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Brotherhood.

According to the report, Saleh stressed that the appointment of holders of sovereign positions should take place before the formation of the unified government, and that the biggest controversy revolved around the form of the unified government, but he ended up agreeing to form a mini-government that is service-only, and its members are chosen from the sovereign ministries of the two governments.

He continued that the method of selecting the ministers of the combined mini-government from the two governments has been postponed to the next meeting, which is likely to be in the second half of the month of Ramadan, noting that the selection of members of the technical committee for reviewing electoral laws and naming the holders of sovereign positions has been postponed for discussion until the next meeting.

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