
A French website is preparing a documentary film exposing the bribes that Sarkozy received from Libya

The French website “Media Part” announced its intention to prepare a documentary film, exposing the bribes obtained by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy from the Libyan government, in order to support him in the presidential election campaign.

The French website explained that the film “Nobody Understands Anything,” directed by Yannick Kerjoat, will coincide with Sarkozy’s criminal trial in January 2025, and regarding suspicions of Libyan financing of his 2007 election campaign, which is described as being a historic trial.

The website indicated that the French find it difficult to summarize what Sarkozy was accused of, so the film, which Media Part is producing in cooperation with other French production companies under an independent financing system, will explain this issue to them in an artistic work lasting one hour and 30 minutes.

The film is scheduled to summarize 12 years of media investigations into the case and will witness the participation of a large number of witnesses.

The website launched a fundraising campaign to complete the production of the film, which will begin filming this summer and be released at the beginning of 2025, aiming to raise an amount of 830,000 euros.

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