
Abu Briq: Patheli reaction on the outputs of the Tunis meeting “expected” to devote the crisis and disrupt any Libyan consensus

Member of the Supreme Council of the Muslim Brotherhood, “The State Advisory Council,” Ahmed Abu Briq, said that the Tunis meeting was an attempt to get out of this political impasse, move the wheel, get out of successive crises, and unify state institutions.

Abu Briq confirmed, during an intervention on Al-Masar TV, that the reaction of the UN envoy Abdullah Bathily to the outcomes of the Tunis meeting was expected and was nothing but an attempt by him to prolong the crisis and disrupt any Libyan agreements.

He pointed out that his reaction is what we have always known from the mission, as it has been unable to find a way out of the crisis that has worsened the situation over the past years for years, continuing, “The mission tried to disrupt any consensus between the two councils, as if it wanted the status quo to continue.”

He pointed out that what embarrassed the UN mission was that for the first time there was a Libyan-Libyan consensus, especially since all the previous solutions were exported to us from abroad, and this is the first time we found the solution from within the country, according to what he said.

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