
Aghanya: Al-Darsi’s kidnapping is a clear security breach that expanded after the February catastrophe

Political researcher Abdel Aziz Aghanya confirmed that the issue of the kidnapping of Tobruk Member of Parliament Ibrahim Al-Darsi is a clear and major security breach by the security services, pointing out that all these security breaches, killings, kidnappings and displacement did not appear until after the February catastrophe, which prevented everyone from sitting together at one table.

Aghanya indicated, in a telephone interview with the “Libya Al-Ahrar” satellite channel, that until now massacres have been discovered in part of Tarhuna and crimes are still ongoing in Al-Zawiya and other cities.

He explained that the kidnapping of Al-Darsi was a negative point for the security services, and this is like what is happening in Al-Zawiya, all of which are very sad things and show the deterioration of security occurring after the February catastrophe.

He continued, “Libyans are still living in a state of security chaos, and foreign powers are trying to steal our country’s wealth.”

It is noteworthy that Ibrahim Al-Darsi disappeared four days ago after the military parade by the forces of the American Khalifa Haftar, while Hammad’s parallel government denies knowledge of his fate, which confirms the fragile security situation in Benghazi and the eastern region.

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