National Institution for Human Rights: The clashes at the Ras Jadir port are evidence of the security chaos sweeping Libya

The National Institution for Human Rights in Libya confirmed that the clashes that took place in the Ras Jadir port between the law enforcement force and the militias of the city of Zuwara demonstrate the abject failure of the Ministry of the Interior of Al-Dabaiba to impose security, and are evidence of the state of weakness that the ministry is going through as a result of the failure of those in charge of it to deal with the crisis. Security, security chaos, the spread of crime, and the escalation of its indicators in the western region.
The Foundation explained in its statement that it condemns and deplores the attacks that took place at the Ras Ijdir port, noting that it represents an attack on “the prestige and authority of the state.”
The Foundation called for opening a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances of the incident and ensuring that those accused of committing it are prosecuted, and that the accused are prosecuted and brought to justice, adding, “The government and the Ministry of Interior must take all legal and security measures to end the state of security chaos and the power and control of crime gangs, organized crime, and smugglers over the Ras Ajdir border crossing, and extend authority.” And state control over border crossings, and ending spatial control over state crossings and institutions, including border crossings.”
The Foundation stressed the necessity of imposing security and achieving stability in the cities of the West Coast, and eliminating crime dens, smuggling gangs, crime gangs, organized crime, and networks of migrant smuggling and human trafficking, drugs, and psychotropic substances, which are active in the West Coast region, especially in the cities and regions of Sayyad, Al-Zawiya, Al-Muttarid, Sorman, Sabratha, Zuwarah, and Al-Ajailat.
The Foundation warned that regional and regional calls and the incitement of strife and regional and ethnic strife issued by social and municipal entities threaten security and social peace and seek to undermine security, stability and reject the state’s right to control and sovereignty over its facilities and sovereign institutions, including border, air and sea ports.