Al-Ghawil about the meeting with the US Chargé d’Affaires Bengli Haftar: Washington does not think about the Libyan file except from security aspects

The former opponent of the Libyan regime, Hafez Al-Ghawil, confirmed that the meeting with the American Chargé d’Affairs, Jeremy Brent Bingley, with the American, Khalifa Haftar, comes because Washington does not think about the Libyan file except from security aspects only.
Al-Ghawil explained in statements to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that there is no great importance to the meeting with Brent Bingley Haftar, because he is not a prominent diplomat in the American administration, and because Washington deals with the Libyan file within the limits of military aspects only.
He added, “The meeting cannot be interpreted as an attempt by Washington to attract or obtain support from any Libyan party, especially since American interests are currently limited in Libya, as they are focused on the axes of security and combating terrorism, and this does not currently push it to put its weight behind any party.”
He went on to say, “There may be American concern recently, amid rumors about the possibility of the Russians building a naval military base in the eastern region, although this does not mean in any way that Washington translates this concern into steps on the ground.”
Al-Ghawil explained this by saying, “American concern is not increasing now, because there are not large numbers of Russian soldiers in Libya. Their number may not exceed two thousand, and this is not considered a huge or significant presence, which represents a direct threat to American security and interests. Therefore, Washington is satisfied with it.” Currently observing remotely, while continuing to seek to reduce Russian influence on the African continent from an economic standpoint.”