
Al-Ghawil: The suspicious moves of “Internal Security” prompted Saif al-Islam’s team to file a complaint against Haftar at the African Union

Khaled Al-Ghawil, advisor to the Libyan Tribal Union, confirmed that the suspicious movements of the Internal Security Service of the American Khalifa Haftar were what prompted the political team of Dr. Saif Al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi to file a complaint against Haftar in the African Union.

Al-Ghawil added, in statements to the Saudi “Al-Hadath” channel, that a complaint had been filed against Haftar in the African Union, due to the arrest of Hajj Ali Busbiha, head of the reconciliation team affiliated with Dr. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, against the backdrop of his support for the Zintan forces’ statement supporting holding presidential and parliamentary elections, and not excluding Dr. Saif al-Islam from the elections.

He added that Yabya is a member of the African Union, the Union Security and Peace Committee, and the African Court as well, and he has the right to file a complaint, especially since the arrest of Bousbiha, an elderly man and head of the reconciliation team for Dr. Saif al-Islam, is considered dangerous, especially when he is taken at dawn to the city of Sebha and transferred to Benghazi. By military plane.

He asked, “We do not understand why the Internal Security Service is trying to silence people in Libya? Because what was stated in the statement of the Zintan forces are the demands of all Libyans to achieve national reconciliation and reach parliamentary and presidential elections as a result of the circumstances that our country is going through due to foreign interference.”

He continued, saying, “The suspicious movements we are seeing from the Internal Security Service and the silencing of mouths in the eastern region, Cyrenaica, and southern Libya are what prompted Saif al-Islam’s team to go to the African Court and the African Union to file an official complaint, and we want a real clarification of the reason for what happened with Bousbiha and the silencing that is happening.” In Cyrenaica and southern Libya.”

He pointed out that Dr. Saif Al-Islam currently has extensive contacts with all Libyan and national forces in the country, stressing his great concern for true national reconciliation among all the Libyan people.

He concluded by saying, “We do not know why elderly people are arrested simply for giving their opinion regarding the Zintan statement, and everyone who mentions Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi is arrested in Sirte and Sabha, and this does not happen in Tripoli, even though Saif al-Islam has no problem with the General Command or the Libyan army because they are our sons.”

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