Al-Hassadi: The mission has no choice but to welcome Cairo’s outcomes, otherwise it will be accused of obstructing the political solution.
member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Council, the “State Advisory Council,” the Muslim Brotherhood, Mansour Al-Hassadi, said that the UN mission is convinced of the outcomes of the Cairo meeting and that there is a state of political deadlock, adding that the United Nations is always trying to appear that it is not biased towards one political party over another.
Al-Hassadi stressed, in statements to Al-Massar TV, that we must oblige the UN mission to conduct the rapprochement process between the Libyans, indicating that the mission has no choice but to welcome Cairo’s outcomes, otherwise it will be accused of obstructing the political solution and rapprochement between the two councils.
He pointed out that the mission’s latest statement will have a positive impact on the Supreme Council of the Brotherhood, adding that Takala always has fears of any rapprochements that the mission and the international community reject.
He concluded by saying, “We must all compromise, converge, and agree to reach a Libyan-Libyan solution to the crisis.”