The World Organization Against Torture exposes how the “February Catastrophe ” caused the spread of “militia” chaos

The World Organization Against Torture in Libya exposed how the February 2011 catastrophe caused chaos in Libya and created a power vacuum that was filled by armed militias.
The organization described in a statement that the overthrow of the Al-Fateh Revolution and the martyr leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, caused the armed militias to enjoy great influence and obstruct any peace efforts in Libya, as the idea of impunity was entrenched by committing more human rights violations.
It pointed out that the international community caused the flow of foreign fighters and weapons, which exacerbated the humanitarian situation and conflict, fueled the fighting, hindered reconciliation processes, and deepened the division between East and West.
The organization added in its report, saying, “Democratic aspirations and economic development in Libya have stalled, and the spread of corruption and the dispute over oil resources further complicate the situation.”
In its report, the organization called for the necessity of dismantling militias, activating disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs, and giving priority to holding fair and democratic elections, which is extremely important, to achieve a more peaceful and stable future in Libya.