
Aqeel to Aqeela Saleh: The crime of “Odyssey treachery” destroyed the army and turned Libya into a failed state

Political analyst Ezzedine Aqeel, Speaker of the Tobruk Parliament, attacked Aguila Saleh, after he spoke about what is happening in Libya as a “power struggle,” by saying that NATO’s crime and the overthrow of Libya in the February Catastrophe was the main reason for dissolving the Libyan army and dismantling all security institutions, and transforming us into To a failed state with elections of which you were one of the outcomes.”

He continued in a post on his page on the social networking site “Facebook”: “Didn’t we have an elected and unified legislative authority, which is the General National Congress?! Didn’t we have two unified governments, before we saw your face?!”

He pointed out that only the return of the military institution is capable of deterring Aguila Saleh and other politicians like him after the February catastrophe, adding, “Washington and London still strongly reject its return because they know its ability to put an end to their tampering with the country.”

He pointed out that Aqeela’s pursuit of a unified government was aimed at his “intense hatred” against Al- Dabaiba government, which he described as a “bad-mouthed” government because it was the creation of foreigners, just like the Sarraj government.

He concluded his statement by directing his words to Aguila Saleh: “The return of the absent American and British military establishment, which is capable of deterring you and people like you, Washington and London, and not forming a unified government that you will soon re-divide, disrupt and tamper with.”

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