Al-Shoh: Aguila, Tikala, and Menfi are unable to conclude any agreements and it is not in their interest to hold elections

The former advisor to the Supreme Council of the Muslim Brotherhood, “The Advisory State,” Ashraf Al-Shoh, said that the parties that are said to meet in Rabat, namely Aguila, Tikala, and Menfi, are unable to conclude any agreements and translate them into reality.
Al-Shoh added, in an interview on the “Libya Al-Ahrar” satellite channel, that these figures are unable to reach any agreement if they reach it, nor determine a specific path to reach a political solution, indicating that these figures came with agreements and understandings and it is not in their interest to reach political solutions or go to elections to graduate them. From the scene and the fragile chairs they sit on.
He continued by saying, “Aguila Saleh, for example, has become much weaker than it was before, especially after Haftar’s sons took control of the eastern region, killed representatives, and did not prosecute them for any of their crimes. As for Takala, he is not a decision maker, but rather represents those who sat in the seat, regardless of the political path he takes.” .
He pointed out that Al-Manfi is sitting in the chair of the President of the Presidential Council without any ability to take any political direction or path, adding that all parties currently either have an interest in keeping the situation as it is or entering negotiations to achieve additional gains, but they do not want to leave the scene.
He continued by saying that the American Khalifa Haftar, for example, in any negotiations he enters into with militia leaders in the western region, seeks to strengthen his influence in the western region after he extended his control over the eastern and southern regions.
He stressed that we are all revolving in a vicious circle through which it is not possible to reach a solution to this crisis because each party does not want to give up its gains, adding that Stephanie Khoury and the UN mission are far from the plans to meet with Al-Manfi, Takala and Aqeela.
He continued that the Libyan people must choose who will rule them and the way in which they will be governed, and they will never allow presidential elections to be held in Libya, and the best solution for everyone is to have new founding elections that correct all previous problems and establish a system that can produce a constitution that will govern them in the coming period.
He concluded by saying, “The harmony between Haftar’s sons and Dabaiba is currently in crisis because Haftar’s sons’ ambitions have become significantly greater than Dabaiba’s, and they will never accept the crumbs that Dabaiba may throw at them.”