Al-Meraash: Hannibal is a political hostage, not a prisoner, and is being tortured from the moment of his arrest.

Political analyst Kamel Al-Meraash said that the arrest of Captain Hannibal Gaddafi was carried out illegally, adding, “I do not consider him a prisoner, as he was lured from Syria and transferred to Lebanon, and this is a crime punishable by law.”
Al-Meraash confirmed, in statements to France 24 satellite channel, that the description of the prisoner is not legally correct, but that he is a political hostage, indicating that no charge has been proven against him, and he has not been brought before the Lebanese judiciary to defend himself, continuing that from his first days until the moment of his arrest, he has been subjected to… He was tortured under the executioners who arrested him.
He pointed out that it is shameful for the Lebanese judiciary for a man to remain for eight years without being charged, which is essentially a false accusation under all the laws of the world, pointing out that the pictures expose the torture to which Captain Hannibal was subjected, asking, “What is Hannibal’s connection to the disappearance of Musa al-Sadr? He was two years old at the time.” ?! Does this matter take 8 years to find out that it has nothing to do with Musa al-Sadr?!”
He explained that the crime of the disappearance of Musa al-Sadr, I believe, goes beyond the Libyan borders and the Libyan state, adding that the clear and frank answer is that the divorced person has nothing to do with Hannibal, who has been waiting 8 years underground until the Lebanese judiciary has its say, pointing out that there is no evidence for the Lebanese judiciary to accept in any judiciary. Free and fair, all of these are speculations that cannot be relied upon to hold him in detention for all these years.
He continued by saying that any information extracted from him under torture cannot be relied upon at all, and no information was presented before the judiciary, adding, “Why not leave the court to decide on this information that they claim Hannibal provided?!”
He added that there are Lebanese officials bargaining and bartering to obtain financial compensation from Captain Hannibal, and here is the danger because there is blackmail on the part of these officials, indicating that there were communications in which an employee of the Libyan embassy in Paris participated and the officials asked for money and this clearly exposes the blackmail practiced against Hannibal.
He concluded by saying, “We must not confuse matters and wait for a Libyan government to answer, as these are illegal and unacceptable supports. There is an attempt to politicize the issue, as Hannibal is not responsible for the Libyan state, and removing it after that is a judicial and criminal case.”