Dalhoum: Hannibal’s presence in prison until this moment is “blackmail” and the Lebanese judiciary has lost its credibility

Aguila Dalhoum, head of the media and rights committee for the kidnapped Captain Hannibal Gaddafi, said that Captain Hannibal’s health condition is deteriorating day by day, and what appeared on the Lebanese channel proves the validity of what we previously confirmed, adding that his pictures inside the cell show the tragedy of Captain Hannibal the kidnapped prisoner, his health condition and his living conditions very bad.
Regarding developments in the health condition of the kidnapped Captain Hannibal, Dalhoum confirmed, in statements to Al-Wasat satellite channel, that he suffers from spinal problems due to the way he was kidnapped, as well as dental problems, high blood pressure and diabetes, and hair loss due to malnutrition and lack of exposure to sunlight, in addition to other conditions. Bad imprisonment, denouncing, “This is the VIP situation that Lebanon talks about and Hannibal deals with.”
He indicated that he thanks everyone who tried to lift the injustice against Captain Hannibal in Libya and abroad, and the Libyan executive and judicial institutions, pointing out that the Lebanese authorities are now in a dilemma and must prove their credibility in the issue of cooperation by revealing the circumstances of the case.
He explained that what was stated in the Dabaiba government’s statement shows that Captain Hannibal is innocent of a recognized Libyan government, and puts the Lebanese authorities in a dilemma, noting that the Lebanese authorities did not cooperate with Libya and its authorities before or after 2011 in the case of the disappearance of Musa al-Sadr, pointing out that there are attempts Political and financial blackmail behind which certain people in Lebanon disappear before the release of Captain Hannibal Gaddafi.
He continued by saying, “What is happening today is in itself political blackmail, and Hannibal’s presence in prison until this moment is blackmail, and the Lebanese judiciary has lost its credibility in this case in light of the data it dealt with,” pointing out that Libya is divided among itself, has two governments, and there is no serious dealing with it. Captain Hannibal’s case in dealing with the file.
He continued that Captain Hannibal is caught between the hammer of negligence in dealing with the file from the Libyan authorities and the anvil of the Lebanese authorities, whose interest is for the file to be open, adding, “We say that Hannibal is a prisoner because we have evidence that he is not a prisoner, but rather a prisoner due to the state of procrastination, political blackmail, and Lebanon’s lack of interest.” To close this file.”