South African website: The 95 arrested Libyans are affiliated with Haftar, and this incident may cause diplomatic tensions between the two countries

The South African website “Eye Witness” confirmed that the 95 Libyans arrested in South Africa are affiliated with the American Khalifa Haftar, noting that their affiliation with “the 20/20 Company affiliated with the Tariq bin Ziyad militia in eastern Libya” was confirmed.
The South African website explained that Haftar is the most powerful warlord in Libya, and surrounds himself with a very powerful militia, and it appears that this militia carried out training operations in South Africa.
The website pointed out that “the security services in South Africa criticized allowing Libyan citizens to undergo military training in South Africa, without being discovered.”
The website also warned that this incident could lead to diplomatic tensions between South Africa and Libya, especially since the member states of the United Nations are obligated to implement the arms embargo imposed on Libya.
The website stated that the arms embargo decision imposed on Libya requires all member states to take the necessary measures to prevent the provision of military training or any other assistance through their territories or by their nationals in those territories.
It pointed out that this incident also contradicts South African laws on mercenary activity.