
The Emirati newspaper Al-Ittihad: Cairo is hosting a meeting today that includes Al-Manfa, Aguila and Takala to push for elections

The Emirati newspaper Al-Ittihad revealed a meeting hosted by Cairo today, Saturday, that includes the President of the Presidential Council, Muhammad Al-Manfi, the Speaker of the Tobruk Parliament, Aguila Saleh, and the President of the Supreme Council of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Takala, to discuss ways to activate political dialogue and push towards holding presidential and legislative elections in Libya.

The newspaper confirmed that Cairo seeks to bring the views of all Libyan parties closer together during the coming period, and to support the will and aspirations of the Libyan people to conduct the electoral process during the coming period, noting Cairo’s fear of the return of political division and military polarization among all Libyan components.

It indicated that Cairo seeks to activate the UN resolutions that aim to establish security and stability in Libya, especially Resolutions 2570 and 2571, to facilitate a comprehensive political process led by Libyans and in charge of it with the support of the international community, including holding fair and transparent national and parliamentary elections as soon as possible, and removing mercenaries and forces. foreigners from the country.

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