
The social, military and security forces in Zintan announce their support for the candidacy of Dr. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

The social, military and security forces in the city of Zintan announced their support for the candidacy of Dr. Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi for the presidential elections, stressing that he enjoys great popular support and support and that he has leadership qualifications, sincere national commitment and extensive political experience, indicating that they will not allow all attempts that they described as “suspicious” by Some local and international parties prevent him from his right as a Libyan citizen to run for elections and advance the ranks to serve his country.

In a statement, the forces appreciated the positions and communications received successively, which expressed the unity of the position with the Libyan tribes and cities with which they share the national concern, explaining that a set of national measures at various levels will be announced later that will unite the national ranks and harness all available efforts and capabilities. In order to achieve the aspirations of the Libyan people to restore their state, national decision, civil peace, and build a bright future.

It called on the Libyan people to unite, cooperate, and work by all legitimate means to restore their country’s violated sovereignty, preserve their lost dignity, repair the fabric of their civil peace, which is vulnerable to collapse, and preserve their national unity, which is threatened by the dangers of invasion, occupation, and division, stressing that no force on the face of the earth will be able to stand in the face of the flood of people. The rumbling, the signs of which have begun to appear throughout the country

The forces announced that they will not allow the continuation of the series of absurdity that has caused great harm to the country and its people, after the patience of the Libyans ran out and the period of injustice and the oppression of the oppressors extended to them, indicating that their insistence on getting rid of all the forces of evil, corruption and aggression will not retreat or relent until all their lofty national goals are achieved. .

It warned of the dire consequences of the series of misinformation and manipulation of the rights and will of the Libyan people to renew the legitimacy of its institutions and authorities by not holding the simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections with the aim of serving the interests of the corrupt dictatorial clique clinging to positions of power and influence, holding all those concerned with the completion of this electoral entitlement fully responsible for all the tragedies and disasters that are still occurring. The country is suffering from it.

It reminded the Libyan Support Mission and the international community of their legal, political and moral responsibilities towards the continued suffering of the Libyans and their continued deprivation of holding simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections as soon as possible, stressing that accelerating the holding of general elections is the only peaceful way to get the country out of its current crises, calling on those concerned to expedite. In forming a mini-government that will supervise the organization of the elections according to the constitutional deadlines stipulated in the electoral laws issued by the House of Representatives, which paved the way for all political parties and presidential candidates to participate in the elections without excluding anyone.

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