
Zehiu: Saif al-Islam’s popularity is very great and has increased after the accumulations of what happened since 2011

The political activist, Asaad Zehiu, confirmed that the popularity of Dr. Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi is very great, and that the hardships that occurred after the February catastrophe increased it even more.

Zehiu explained, in statements on Al-Mashhad channel, that what happened since the February Catastrophe 2011 has not been properly evaluated yet, adding, “No one mentioned whether what happened was just a civil war?” Or are they conflicts that caused the country to split into more than two halves? But the reality is that Saif al-Islam still enjoys great popularity, and it is not simple.

He added, “Saif al-Islam’s supporters are concentrated in that large bloc that was and still is supporting his father (martyr leader Muammar Gaddafi) and the rest of the citizens who have suffered from the accumulations of what happened after 2011 until today, especially after people noticed that the February demands that were raised had not been achieved.” “.

He went on to say that the Libyan citizen today only seeks a decent life within its minimum limits amid a scarcity of liquidity and prolonged transitional governments, which greatly increases Saif al-Islam’s popularity.

He continued that the supporters of Dr. Saif al-Islam and his father are a very large bloc, and what increases their number are the Libyans who faced the painful reality after 2011 and through which they hope to return to the previous conditions, believing that Saif al-Islam’s popular base outside Zintan is much larger than his base inside Zintan.

Zehiu attacked those who describe the support of Zintan and Brigadier General Al-Ajami Al-Atiri for Saif Al-Islam as achieving personal interests, saying: “Supporting Saif Al-Islam may have convictions behind it, not personal interests, and any talk about that trivializes and demolishes the Libyan crisis. For example, Al-Ajami Al-Atiri, since the first days of February, has been… He is biased and supports Saif al-Islam, and these are his personal convictions that we must respect

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