American magazine: Moscow uses Wagner’s mercenaries in Libya to undermine American efforts

The American magazine “Plutiko” confirmed that Moscow is using Wagner’s mercenaries to undermine American efforts in Africa, and push them to work to achieve the Kremlin’s agenda on the continent, which stems from Libya.
The magazine indicated, in a report, that the Kremlin is currently dividing thousands of Wagner forces into at least 4 groups, to prevent their coup against Russian President Vladimir Putin again and to ensure their deployment in a number of countries of the world to achieve Russian interests, including Libya, adding that Moscow seeks to restore Wagner’s new structure challenges American policies in several countries, most notably Libya, Central Africa, Mali, and Burkina Faso.
The magazine explained that the African Corps that Russia intends to launch from Libya is nothing but the fourth group of Wagner’s forces, which was formed after its alliance with another mercenary group called “Redout,” which is charged with controlling the former Wagner forces in some African capitals.
It pointed out that Russia’s inauguration of the African Corps under official Russian sponsorship is an attempt to place the Wagners in a strict bureaucratic system that makes it difficult for them to rebel, as its former commander had previously done, and an attempt to support the emerging unstable regimes on the continent, especially those in the eastern region of Libya.