Bathily: There is no solution to the crisis in Libya in the short or medium term because all parties want to maintain the status quo

The resigned UN envoy, Abdullah Bathily, confirmed that he does not see any solution to the crisis in Libya, whether in the short or medium term, because all the current Libyan parties controlling the post-February catastrophe scene want to maintain the status quo.
Bathily explained, in statements to the Congolese media, after his meeting with Congolese President Yennis Sassou Nguesso, that there is no agreement or political will on the part of the parties to the Libyan crisis, and there is no will on the part of their regional and international partners as well to find a solution to the crisis.
Bathily added, “I visited Brazzaville to inform President Denis Sassou Nguesso of today’s unfortunate negative dynamic looming in Libya so that the African Union is fully aware of it.”
He went on to say, “The situation in Libya has deteriorated significantly in recent months, and to get out of this situation, the Libyan parties must sit around one table in order to discuss and find a consensual solution to the crisis that is tearing their country apart.”
He continued by saying, “Leaders and parties to the conflict must be able to meet and reach consensus on a compromise solution to move the country forward, but on the condition that there is political will and good faith.”
Bathily expressed his regret that he did not find any goodwill from the Libyan parties, despite all his efforts, noting that the ceasefire continues, due to the divergence of interests between these leaders, because all of these parties are keen on the current situation on the one hand, and on the other hand, the rivalries Which has become so intense recently that they don’t even want to sit around a table to talk.
Bathily warned that the most dangerous thing is that all of these leaders are linked to external partners at the regional and international levels, who do not want any consensual solution for Libya currently.
He added, “I believe that the crisis in Ukraine, the war in Sudan, rivalries between the world’s great powers and other conflicts are the reason behind the deterioration of the situation in Libya, which they view as one of the richest countries in this region of Africa.”
He concluded by saying, “As long as there is no agreement and political will from these Libyan leaders to save their country from disintegration, which he sees as an existing threat, and as long as there is no will on the part of their regional and international partners to help these Libyans come together, in the short and medium term, he does not see a solution on the horizon.”