
Al-Zaidi calls on the non-election and the establishment of a military council

The Secretary-General of the Popular Movement, Mustafa Al-Zaidi, said that we presented a card to the Western community because we do not want elections, for two reasons. The first is that elections do not create stability. Elections only protect stability.

Al-Zaidi confirmed, in an intervention on Al-Massar TV, that America, which has had elections for 200 years, is now afraid of a civil war or that the elections will lead to instability such as the attempt to assassinate Trump.

He continued by saying, “How do you run elections when everyone carries a weapon? How do you run fair, free, and democratic elections? Corrupt money is a thing and there is nothing wrong with it. Elections manage problems in light of the presence of weapons, financial corruption, and foreign presence.”

He explained that a large part of the chaos that occurred in Libya was not for objective reasons, as some claim. Libya is now threatened by real division and disappearance from the map, the Libyan people are threatened by demographic change, and Libyan funds are being plundered unrealistically.

The head of the National Oil Corporation, Farhat Bin Qaddara, and the head of the government of western Libya, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba, called for preserving the rest of the oil and not concluding deals that would give the oil to foreigners.

Regarding the establishment of a military council, Al-Zaidi said that we must look at our country through the military institutions, adding that we have our security forces and we have many personalities in the armed forces, adding that Geneva is not a dialogue, but rather the real dialogue is being conducted in Libya.

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