
Internal Security detains a Bani Walid activist for supporting Saif al-Islam

Sources revealed to “Og” that the Internal Security Service, headed by the militiaman Lutfi Al-Harari, continues to detain one of the Bani Walid activists, called Abdul Moez Adhik, for more than a month, because he is accused of demonstrating without permission, because he is one of Dr. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi’s supporters.

The sources explained that Adhik was arrested, along with 3 other activists, because they delivered a statement last January in which they protested the arrest of citizen Abdul Majeed Othman bin Madi, and threatened to close the headquarters of the 444 Fighting militia.

The sources reported that the three other activists who were with Adhik were arrested for approximately 10 days by the 444 Fighting militia, namely Muftah Jabara, Hatem Ashti and Faraj Al-Maalouli, and they were later released.

The sources stated that Internal Security arrested Adhik on his way to Tunisia at the Ras Jdir port, and he is currently still detained, despite the release of the three activists and Ben Madi.

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