
Trabolsi: We do not have any control over the city of Zawiya and its residents constitute a major military force

The militiaman, Imad Trabolsi, Minister of Interior in the Dabaiba government, said that the city of Zawiya is one of the most important cities in the west of Libya and the capital of the West Coast, although it has good people in it, we have no control over the city, adding that the conflict taking place in Zawiya is very unfortunate, and we cannot say that the situation is The security inside is excellent.

Trabolsi pointed out, during his interview with Al-Arabiya Al-Hadath satellite channel, that Al-Zawiya is one of the cities of February, and it has large quantities of armament, formations and battalions that fought in February, and he is afraid of any new regime, explaining that what happened in Al-Zawiya is not only the Dabaiba’s government being held accountable for it, but also everyone will be held accountable for it. Previous governments because they exploited the youth of Zawiya for political purposes.

He continued by saying, “I am sending a sincere and real message to all individuals and leaders in Zawiya, the majority of whom are officers in state institutions, that if they agree within 30 days, stability can be restored to the city,” noting that the armed parties in Zawiya, if they agree, are ready to implement a security plan.

He pointed out that we cannot impose security in Al-Zawiya, and some of its residents constitute a large military force who reject this matter, adding that there is an armed conflict in Al-Zawiya, just as there is an armed conflict in Zintan.

He added that we are suffering greatly from the issue of immigration, drugs and smuggling due to the security problems occurring in Zawiya and Zintan, in addition to Sabratha, Sorman, Nalut, Gharyan and Ghadames, but the main drivers are taking shelter in their tribes and cities in Zawiya and Zintan.

He continued by saying, “I say to all the leaders, tribes, and notables, this is your country and this is your city, whether in Zawiya or Zintan, and we will implement a security plan in these cities,” adding that the cities in the Western Mountain, Nafusa Mountain, or the coast have major tribal problems in them. Whenever you advance to a place, you find tribal accusations.

He concluded by saying, “Imposing security cannot be achieved through tribal or random meetings, but we do not want to cause a bloodbath to impose security, and there must be a social stand by the sheikhs of Zintan with the police and the security director.”

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